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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What to do?

I was thinking. I know bad idea, but I need some input. Should I put up pictures every time I make a new post? Also if I do put up pictures will anyone send me them? I was thinking about this because I have a lot of pictures from a parade, I also have a bunch of rainbow pics. Then If people want to share they can send in pics. Any kind from animals to garbage. Tell me what you think. I need LOTS of help.


At 8:27 AM, Blogger danielle said...

I was thinking I could post a picture to go along with the post. But then again you might not know what to post. Sometimes it will be a post of anger, maybe happiness. Some of the ideaas are easy some on the more difficult side. Tomorrow I have a post going that I could use a rainbow. If I have a post that is not cheery that would take some thought. So I am asking that if you have any pics that you want used then please send them to me.

Now I want to say that Jake got to come home yesterday. He had to go back this morning. He was much more social last night than he has been. This morning he was right back to being lethargic and had vomited again. The results are back from the blood work but I haven't spoken with the vet. One of the nurses was looking for his results and she said "oh no" I am very paranoid. I hope to god that it is something that can be cured. Maybe she said that because she was not sure. I hope!

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Meowmepurr's Mumma said...

It's your blog, Kiddo--do what feels good!! My digital picture collection isn't very big yet, but I'll send you some of mine, and some of my sister's. She is good, and has had a digital camera longer than any of us. I will have her computer the 16th through the end of June, so wait for the deluge.

On another subject, try URI and Brown--see if either one has a vet school/clinic. Also I'm sure UCONN has a vet school--but Storrs is a hike.

As you can tell, I grew up in the area--I lived on the Sound, in CT. Where is your company going in CT?

Hugs to you, and our prayers and purrs to Jakey!

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jake was in my prayers last night and this morning. I know how hard this is because when our Simon was in kidney failure we had many occasions of highs and lows. Just do what is best for Jake, let your love for him guide you if you have to decide anything.

As to your blog, I agree with mumma, this is your on line diary and you use it to express yourself although we thank you for sharing it with us. Just let it be a place to express yourself and accept whatever contributions from others that you want. We are there with love and support. Best love and prayers for you and Jake.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger danielle said...

The company is moving to the north east part in Plainfield. I am going to call URI to see if they have anything. I live 5 minutes away from there. My mom also works in the music dept. I think I am going to put pics for the mood. I hope you send lots of pics. I love taking them it is so much fun. When my best friend had a wedding shower I took the pictures and at the wedding I was asked by three people to take those also.

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Emma's Kat said...

I think it's a great idea to post a picture...rainbows, flowers, storm clouds, lightening, whatever strikes your fancy! If commentors/ventors:) are having a ruff day and we see a pic of a rainbow, it might make us feel better and think about things differently. Ya know! I have a few pics of my flowers and some others I'll send to you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Jake! We're right there w/ anxious to hear something!!

At 9:27 AM, Blogger momsbusy said...

i have had one kitty w/ kidney failure and one w/ liver failure. it's not easy. by the time i fiugured out something was wrong it was too late. they both went fairly quick after that. since jakey had been under vet care for awhile now maybe he has a better chance. it won't hurt to check out those vet schools mumma mentioned. you will know what to do when the time comes. remember the fuzz pack will be here for you either way. take care and give jakey head butts and whisker scritches from yuki and kimiko.

as far as your blog i think it would be nice to post pictures from other bloggers. never know when a pic will brighten someone's day. i have lots and lots of pics. i have some of a beautiful sunset i can send to you.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger danielle said...

Please send them. I would love to have more pictures. The more the merrier. Thank you for the support. I hope I was not too late getting him there. He is in good hands right now. I am going to call and check on him about 1 pm and I will let everyone know how he's doing.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Hello. I'm shocked the Vet hasn't called you yet. You get so anxious waiting for news when it's your baby! Hang in there. As for the lady you spoke to, she may have been speaking to someone else and not have realized what she'd just said. I agree with everyone where Jake is concerned, follow your heart. You will do the right thing for Jake because you love him.

I like pictures. I think it does set a tone for the day. It's nice to have something to look at and reflect on. My pictures are almost entirely of my kids and our cats. I'll have to start taking pictures of other things too!

At 12:27 PM, Blogger danielle said...

I called the vet but he was not there. I have to wait until 3 to try again. They told me to call between 1200 and 130. If no one is going to be there why tell me to call? Oh I just hate the waiting.

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you have to wait longer, it must be horrible. I hope, with all my heart, that Jake is feeling better and will be home with you soon. We are all pulling for him to feel better and anxiously waiting to hear soon.

Thank you for the penguins, they are a bright spot.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger danielle said...

I thought they might lighten things up a git. I think it kinda goes along with the title. It looks like one is asking the question and the other is shaking his head as if saying "what am I gonna do with you" I like it.

You are right about the waiting. 3 o'clock can't show up soon enough. Thank you all!

At 1:13 PM, Blogger momsbusy said...

i have to go out to a job site this afternoon. i won't have access until tonight around eight to check back and see how jakey is. i'm not sure i can wait that long. darn, darn, darn.

i pray all goes well. hopefully the worst part is the wait for the news.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger danielle said...

I just spoke with the vet. He said the blood work will not be back until 5. He also said Jake is doing worse than the other day. He haas been vomiting and not eating. The vet said he might be past the point of being fixed. I don't know what I am going to do. I am going to see Jake tonight and stay until the doctor returns from dinner at 6:15. I hope so desperately he is wrong. Jake is my baby. I favor him over everything. I wish there was something I could do. Maybe if I got him to the vet earlier. I should have. I won't know for certain until tonight. Please let it be fixable. PLEASE.

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Danielle, I am so sorry that it has come to this but you have to think of what is best for Jake at this point. Think about the questions to ask the vet and listen to the answers. Many of us have been in the same position, even recently and we are suffering with you right now but think about what poor Jake is going through and what is his quality of life. He is very ill and possibly in pain, and certainly not understanding what is happening to him but the one thing he knows is that you love him. Please show him that love, even though it hurts you terribly. This is hard for all of us because we do care very much and I'm reliving the pain I have faced with those I've loved too just thinking about what you are going through so I'm not saying this easily but there is a point where you can't let him suffer any more.

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Emma's Kat said...

Danielle, you can't do that what if I, I could of thing to yourself! Easier said than done, I know. Is someone going w/you tonight? I hope so. You need support. We will all be sitting w/you in the vet's office tonight in our hearts. I'm so sorry things aren't looking good! Nothing I can say right now will make any of this easier, but...just remember what Claire and the rest of us have said and trust your instincts about what to do for Jake.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Lynn said...

Poor Jakie I'm so sorry that you're going through this Danielle. I wish I knew something to say that would help, but I'm not that great with words. I just wanted to let you know that you and Jake will be in my thoughts and I hope that everything works out for the best.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

I'm hugging you Danni and thinking good thoughts. Like Kat said, we're with you at the Vet's tonight. Just close your eyes and you'll feel us!


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