Thursday is a good day!
Well now it is closer to the end of the week. I am going to be in and out today. I have to do a little driving today. I really don't mind. It means I get and extra 30 minute break. I have so much murk here to do. I neglected my job for 5 weeks and now I have to play catch up. Lucky me. I only have a couple more these pictures so I figure I would use them before I freak out too many people. I myself get a little freaked. I am really a big baby. Lots of silly fears. Sometimes my kids are braver than I.
I read your comment from yesterday and you are so right. They usually are angels for other people. I don't think that includes family members though. My mom has cancelled taking them places because of the attitude. She was taking them to the movies but she had to get gas first. She told them to behave while she was doing that and all they did was fight so needless to say they didn't go to the movies. Any one elses kids like that?
My children are grown but they used to fight all the time-there is a 6 year difference and my daughter used to whine in the car because her older brother would make faces at her-"he's looking at me" and no matter how much we told her to look the other way, it didn't help. Now we tease them both about it. (they are 38 & 32)You will get through this but I know it isn't easy. Children usually don't listen to reason. Your site is a great place to express these feelings though. Hugs to you.
More creepy pics...aaaaggghh!!! I like them but they are as I said, creepy. I took the doggie quiz, I am a Newfoundland...hmmm.
Tomorrows Friday!!! Yeah!!! My husband leaves to come home tomorrow!!! Yeah, I can't wait!!!!
Today is Oreo's B-day!!!!!!!!
they do eventually grow out of it. my middle daughter used to bring home report cards that said she was just a wonderful student and always so well behaved and listened to the teacher so well. get my drift? well, we used to look at her and ask her who was going to school in her place, or who are you and what did you do with our child? LOL
i am a chinese sharpei. not sure what to make of it.
I am sitting on the edge of my chair --because there is a Meepsie asleep in it, and she WON'T MOVE!! Such a big help.
I'm a St. Bernard!!
I'll have to go wish Oreo a Happy Purrthday! His party was one happenin' thing! We had fun visiting, and his Mom is a NASCAR nut like me!
My mother used to ask who's kid was going to school and to my friends' houses--sweet, polite, helpful--and a little s**t at home!
Danielle, I still want to know where yesterday's picture came from.
Purrs and huggles to all
I want to hear all about them. I love being scared.
Oh my god I got chills when I was reading that. That is sooooo awesome. I have never experienced anything like that.
Tell us another one!!!
I love these. Keep telling. That's really sad about your grandmother though.
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