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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Depression sets in

well I am rather depressed because of all the stuff going on with the Fuzz Family. We are all friends and it seems to be falling apart. I still do not know everything maybe its because I am nieve. I feel that all problems should be worked out. I don't feel there should be reason for all this. I don't like it very much. I am not mad at anyone just as so you all know.

Well Joe just never has liked cats but he will deal with mine because its a package deal. I don't go anywhere without them.


At 8:11 AM, Blogger Emma's Kat said...

Things were settling yesterday afternoon Danielle. Don't worry!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Meowmepurr's Mumma said...

Good morning! It looks to be a much nicer and more peaceful day today. I DON'T like fussin' and fightin', so I hope it is done!

Last week, my gang got "tagged," and I said they would respond here, since we don't have a blog. So, here we go(in proper order, of course):

5 Things about Flumpy:
1. My dady can carry me tummy-up, but only dady.
2. I'm in charge here, just ask the dog.
3. I love my little Meepsie, and I'll beat the snot out of any critter who looks at her, especially the dog.
4. I wait to make sure Meepsie likes her treatsies before I will eat mine.
5. I am the Mighty Hunter and I leave the guts on the back doormat.

5 Things about Meepsie:
1. i dont like to be pickd up and i skwak when yu du
2. i wuve mine flumpy he is my bestest frien
3. i sit on mine dady but not mumma
4. i steal mine flumpys tretsies cuz hes slo
5. i likes nakies an lizzies an i brings them inside it makes dady yell

5 Things about Shep:
1. I love everyone.
2. I have a super long tongue and I love to play kissy-face, even with Flumpy.
3. I turn in circles for my din-din.
4. I get stinky goodness in my dinner.
5. I love to sit in Mumma's lap.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Emma's Kat said...

Lol! Those were great Mumma!

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Mumma, that was so cute!!! That put a smile on my face!

Danielle, it looks like things are moving on! There were no formal "thank you's" to the two involved but they are talking now and it's a start! I'm happy because I didn't think that they would ever talk again, I thought they would go away and not be back! So I'm happy with the progress! Don't worry!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Emma's Kat said...

Love the purple. My fave color!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Meowmepurr's Mumma said...

Danielle, where are you??

Things seem to be looking up, except for a few rockets fired!

Tell us about your new place and where it is and everything else. You know Mumma worries(LOL)!!


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