Heat wave
Ok I just read that Claire said today is going to be 100. That is horrible. We are going throught the same. It is going to be about 97 today and 101 tomorrow. Then you have to add in the humidity. It is supposed to feel like 110 about. They are opening the beaches for free the next coupledays. There is also an excessive heat warning. The library is open to those without AC and the busses are free. Too bad I can't use any of that. I am going to take the kids to a little man made lake after work today. I went there Sunday and the water was warm. That was a nice change.
These are the pictures I was trying to post yesterday. They were VERY interested in all their presents.
Good morning Danielle! They are so cute looking at their secret paw gifts! It's gonna be hot here(VA) today too! The actual temp is supposed to be 100+ and w/heat index feel like 110! Yuck!
Danielle - So Beau & Angie had you as their secret paw? We're supposed to tell who we are when we send out our gift? I wasn't given any details. Maybe I'll go back and read the rules at the site. Does it tell there and I just wasn't paying attention? I gotta send my gift off soon! I want to find out about the name thing 1st though.
Ok, I just went over the the SP's site and duhh, I guess it makes sense to tell who the gift is coming from. It's too early and my brain has a hard time functioning correctly anyway!! I'm straight now! Not that I was ever g...J/K! Let me stop! (did anyone get that? Probably not:|)
Jake and Spot are so cute and I'm glad you got a picture of them going through their gifts. Yes, today is suppose to set a new record to temperature and humidity in the Metro Detroit area. Sorry to send it your way, Danielle but the weekend is suppose to be down in the 80's again-hurrah!!!!
Try to stay cool and drink lots of water.
HI Danielle! It's been hot here too! I can always tell when it's over 100 degrees. It has to do with the way the heat wraps itself around you. I can also tell the days when it's below zero. It's been in the 100's here too. Very hot, very miserable! I want to go somewhere where it's a constant 75 degrees year around!
I want to go somewhere where it stays between 78 and 83 year round
mmmm - good stuff! our Lady says ta come on over here cause it's 76 right now
ANON--If you haven't got the guts to leave your name, take your spam elsewhere, please! (There, guess I told HIM!!)
I feel much better now, I've been wanting to put the BITEY on someone all day! Now, where were we??
Danielle, the place you're looking for is HAWAII!! My niece has lived there for about 20 years now. The weather is wonderful, except during hurricanes and floods, but it is very expensive to live there! Wages are comparativly high, but costs are even more so. I love visiting there, but I sure wouldn't want to live there!
We've finally gotten over our hot spell, it topped out at 77 today-just beautiful!
Thank you for your nice comment about me on Kat's Cat of the Day. Now, can I come join you all for kitty treats!?!?!!
We am so happy that you liked our gifties. We're in Connecticut so we're gettin' the same heat as you. Mom STILL likes this weather better than the cold. All we knows is that we can't smell the fresh air out of closed windows, hot or cold.
Danielle, while looking at different things in the Blogger dashboard, I notice directions for a way to Kill Spammers...Kat's deleted a message, and we all know Our Lady of Tech Support ML knows how!
I'm going to confer with Emily about this...she's the biter of the family, and SHE DRAWS BLOOD!!
The FuZZes look SO cute examining their gifty thingys!!
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