Here we go
Here is a picture of our house from the outside. It looks really small but inside it is a lot biger. Here are some of the cats I feed and have basically been taken over by. Ok Today I have been a total mess. I just can't get anything right. I have not been getting enough sleep and I have been stressing out pretty badly. There was a lady at work who was fired for no reason. They gave another lady her position when they said they were making cut backs. Now they are going to have to hire someone else to do her job. I keep thinking I have to be on my bestest behavior and not get caught doing things I'm not supposed to. Jake and Spot are outside now. Every morning and evening is when I feel the worst for them. There are about 7 cats that are all over the food. It seems like they have to fight for it. We have a bulk head and I think I will shut the door befor I get the food. Then I can grab Jake and Spot to bring them to eat all by themselves. That might work.
I am also concerned today for Miss Mittens Pollypaws. She was not doing well. I think she is better now. I hope. Her mommy told me the vet thinks it might be a simple allergy or something along those lines. I hope so. Well I have to let Jake and Spot have a turn so hope to see you soon. Don't forget about my stupid Trivia. I have almost 5,000 visitors. If you notice you are that lucky one, I might be able to do something for that lucky animal.
Is that Jakey with the white spot on his back?!
Very nice! I like it. play fighting games online
What the f*#&???? Let me get this straight. When Joe, moves in with YOU, into YOUR house, the cats have to go?
Is this man your boss or your boyfriend? It seems to me from reading your past blogs, that you love you kitties so much. How can you let this man take them away from you?
You should be concerned about the next thing he asks you to give up, and the thing after that, and the thing after that. Moreover, I would be careful that this man doesn't hurt any of these cats but putting "bad food" out.
Anyone who would try to take your beloved pets from you, and order you around, would do anything. Belive me, I volunteer at an animal shelter and a Woman's shelter, I've seen it time and time again.
Perhaps this is why your kids are so upset, they realize that now, Joe is "in charge" not you.
Hendrix's Very Concerned Mom
You have a nice house. And the cats too are sweet.
And hey, just check this pet ecards
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