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Celebrating the Best Blogs of Summer]

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Oh my god!!!!!!!

I can't even describe the aggravation I have for the stupid computer. Well to be honest with you it is not really the computer it is the stupi phone line. The last time I posted was about midnight. That took about an hour to get online. Tonight it took about half the time. Which I guess is better than an hour. I also can't stand the fact that I can no longer go online and comment and post at work. Those people are such assholes. I am going to see if I have any pictures here on this puter. I did everything at work so I tried to send all my "stuff" to myself. I have a lot of posts to do. Jake and Spot have some things to say so I can't take up too much time on my sites. They are just as anxious to post as I am. I also haven't had much time to post because of all the running around I have to do. Hopefully that will all change soon. The kids like their new school which is a good thing. They also like the new neighbors. There are a couple kid about their own age. The two yards we have together are huge. We are also surrounded by horses. My daughter loves that. Well I have to go do a bunch of stuff. Hope to see you all soon. I do not have pics on this computer I will have to figure it out.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Hi Danni, so great to hear from you! I hope it all works out with the pictures, no matter what, still vent when you get the chance! :)

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Kitty Cats Corner said...


Did you see my post from this past Tuesday?

You werent the only one havin' problems!! heehee

Purrs - The Kitty Cat's Corner cats

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is just good to hear form you. Hope that you get the computer/phone bugs sorted out.


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