Another good day.
Well i just read the comments from yesterday. It took a long time. It seems that things are continuing to get better. I don't really have too muck to say this morning so I will just find a couple pics to put up and leave it all to you my Fuzz Family. I just wanted to say the cat in the chair was a picture I found on the web and the on by the door is my Jake. The resembelance is uncanny. If Jake's eyes were not all lit up from the camera then they would be the same as Patches in the chair.
Jake is a handsome fella. I like the pic of the catin the chair too.It's only 8:45, but so far, so good!
Hello Danielle and Riquel. Better say hi to Kat too as I know she's going to chime in any second.
I hope Claire's trip is getting off to a good start! I love going on vacations!
Isn't it great that we now have a man in the pack?! Now we can see things from a new perspective.
Well, that's all I got for now. TTFN!
OH, I know what to talk about! I'm chatty, too much coffee most lifely, and a little shocking today. I have perky boobs today! HEE HEE! Seems I was wearing the wrong size bra, this is according to the shop where I was measured. Anyway, so I bought bras in the right size and now I have perky boobs! AND, my husband even noticed! That makes it worth the extra money I spent on them! LOL! I know, not very appropriate conversation but just thought I'd mention it, been a long time since I've had perky boobs!
Now, must change diapers! Always fun, NOT!
That's right Kim! Better recognize! :) Wow, the resemblence is uncanny!! Hi Jakey! So glad he's doing better and as long as the toilet is flushed, let him drink there! lol
Kim, I just want you to realize...that tonight, when I lay my head down on my soft pillow, next to my hubby and close my eyes to sleep............... I WILL sleep sooooooooo much better, just knowing....that you, my good Kimma friend....have...the....perkiest BOOBS!!!!! Lol!
That is wonderful news Kim! I am so happy for you!
Isn't it unbelievable how much they look alike.
Good morning Riquel! 8:45 is early? Or just not enough coffee yet? Thank you for the compliments about Jake. He's my favorite. Shhhh don't tell Spot.
Sorry gals, I know that falls under too much info! I've been up since 3:30 am and a little punch drunk.
Jakey, you are one amazing kitty!!! I think you're my hero! You've been through so much and you have beaten all the odds! Danni, it's easy to see why he's your favorite. I won't tell Spot!
Kat, thought you'd like that image. Well, no one had anything to talk about, thought I'd get the ball rolling. PLUS, I've nursed three kids, "They've" gone South. I'm very happy with "the" situation! LOL! Sorry Danni, hope you're not mad.
Oh no this is the place for everything! I want it to be where anyone can say whatever they want.
Danielle, Taps sends loves to jake for making it through, and glad that he enjoyed his baby food suggestion when he needed it the most. Oh, have you though of one of those water dishes that constantly filters the water for Jake?
Kim, YOU GO GIRL !!!!!
I think everyone should be able to feel that way about their boobs.
I am going to get one. It will take a while. Still paying on vet bills and child care bills.
I get paid every 2 weeks. My last check (with help) went to the vet. This check I get today is for child care. Then the next check to finish the vet bill and some other random ones. So it will take about 4 weeks.
I forgot. My kids got their report card. My daughter got 3 O's for outstanding. She is passing to 3rd grade. My son got 5 O's for outstanding he will be going to 2nd grade. He will have the same teacher his sister had.
Danielle, thats great that they are passing to the next grade.
I understand about the whole pay check thing, I get payed every week, but with husband not getting payed regularly it's like that for me to.
Is anyone else as tired as I am today? I feel like falling asleep at my desk. I didn't get too much sleep cause of the storms we had here last night. I can't wait till time to go home.
Danielle that's great about your kids! It is uncanny about the resemblence between the other cat and Jake. Twins separated at birth maybe? Ok, must stay awake...
I am very happy about the kids. I couldn't believe how much they look alike. I saved the picture to show people. I am tired just the same as you. Except I have to stay awake til at least 11 tonight. I woke up real late today at 6:45. I usually got to be by 9 and get up at 5:30-6:00. In bed at 9 asleep by 9:30. I am going to the preview showing of Posiden tonight woth the kids and my mom. I can't wait.
great news about your kids danielle. down here our kids have been outof school since may 25th. we're well into summer programs now.
my boss just left to go out of town for the weekend. (me dancing around the office) so i get to surf for awhile and then get a little work done before i go home.
I just got talked to. The kids are doing the YMCA program for the summer. They also do before and after school care.
Wow Danielle, your kids did so well! That's so awesome! My middle son loves preschool and is dying to go to kindergarten, not for another year though. I hope he still has the drive and desire to do well as your kids, when he does get to elementary school.
Yes, I'm very tired today too!!! I couldn't sleep last night and after being sick for the few days, I feel like I'm batting a 1000.
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